People have been living in this area for a very long time. There is evidence of farming close by dating back over 4000 years, the Vikings sailed up to Shillington, Roman remains have been found, the village is named in the Domesday Book.
Different industries have thrived and declined, population has fluctuated and the nature of the village has changed from a loosely connected group of farms to a modern diverse community.
The Shillington History website traces the past of the village and shows the changes that have taken place over more than 1000 years.

Click to view the Shillington History site
The Shillington Test Pits
During June and July 2013, Shillington families, friends and neighbours excavated archeological test pits. Their aim was to look for things that people had used long ago and then thrown away or lost. Anything that had survived would be buried in soil under gardens and allotments. Over 100 people took part and they dug 23 test pits discovering thousands of pieces of old pottery, metal, bone, glass, brick, tile as well as pieces of plastic and other modern materials.
You can see pictures and further details here.