AFC Shillington is an FA Charter Standard Club, and provides a fun, family focused football environment for players from age 4 living in the Bedford Borough/Central
Beds area.

We are an inclusive, charter standard club and welcome applications from parents/carers of new players at all age groups. We are delighted to have been selected to be an SSE Wildcats host centre from 20019/2020 season – this offers free, girls only, football training and is for girls aged 5-11 years old.
For 2020/21 season we had teams at the following age groups: –
- U-5/Reception – development training
- U-6/Year 1 – development training in Chiltern Junior Sevens League
- U-7 U-8 U-9 U-10 2 x teams
- U-11 U-12 In Beds FA Girls Football League
- U-12 in Bedfordshire Youth Saturday League
- U-13 U-14 2 x teams U-15 2 x teams
- U-16.
Contact: Harriet May 07932-062402